Micrandrena sp
Finally there is a group of small black mining bees. They are very similar and only experts can tell them apart after examining the genitals. This group often is considered to be a subgenus: Micrandrena. The best common name for this group would probably be Miniature Mining Bee, or Pygmy Mining Bees. They are similar to a group of small black leaf cutting bees. For those of you really in need of telling them apart there's good news. The Andrena species are weak stingers, the leaf cutter bees are capable of delivering a real painful sting, being small or not. So daredevils have no problem telling them apart. Just catch your bee in your hand, pinch a little and you can be sure to which group it belongs

. Below an example of a Micrandrena species. Small, black and with white hairs. These are strict solitary creatures. Because it is virtually impossible to identify species in the field we do not indulge in the identification proces on this site.