[All pictures of garden wildlife on this page are thumbnails. Click on any thumbnail for a large format to be displayed.]
Empis tessellata
The above photographs show male Empis tessellata.
Empis tessellata belogs to the family Empididae, Dagger flies and balloon flies. The term dagger flies refers to long pointed proboscis that Empis tessellata sometimes uses to pierce other insects. Empis tessellata is a rather large fly that is very similar to Empis opaca. The difference between them is the colour of the thighs which is balck with Empis tessellata and red with Empis opaca.
Both Empis tessellata and Empis opaca have a peculiar habit. Male attracts female by offering a dead insect as a gift before mating can take place.
Females (photos above) are larger than males.
